As I listened to these podcasts, I came to an absolutely critical realization. While the critics put forth many arguments against the Church. Apologists (classical definition--they're not apologizing for anything) put forth solid, fact-based responses. Critics then go after those responses with very credible information and facts. Both sides have very good arguments. As I've looked at all this, I've wondered a bit. I know the Church is true. In fact, I know it so strongly I believe I'd offend God if I were to turn away.
Two weeks ago I had a strong impression that we will never prove or disprove the Book of Mormon via science. Whether you're looking at archeology or population genetics, there are great arguments and counter arguments for and against the veracity of the Book of Mormon. Some are enough for a logical, scientific testimony for members. Others are enough for a logical, scientific basis for other members to leave, and critics to attack. I realized then that you can't truly prove it either way because in the end, God demands faith. You must choose what you believe and stick to it. If you have a spiritual, faith-based testimony, the arguments and evidence in favor of the Book of Mormon are sufficient. It can not be proved beyond a reasonable doubt to be false. If you don't have that, then the arguments against may well be enough to make you choose not to live the gospel.
What's astounding to me is that until this morning, I didn't apply that to the entirety of the Church. There are many credible evidences supporting and in opposition to the truth of the gospel and organization of the Church. In the end, belief comes down to faith. To me, that's evidence of truth, because the scriptures tell us that faith is required of us. Faith is a power and a gift. It is demanded of us if we are to be exalted.
Part of that realization came because of a podcast featuring Bill Reel. He told his story and shared a fantastic e-mail from someone who helped him, albeit with a somewhat harsh tone. He recognized that the tone was what he needed just then, so no doubt that's why the author was inspired to use it. Here is that e-mail, or the portion Bill Reel shared. If you'd like to see his post, please find it here.
“There are not problems as you characterize them and the elephants in the room are not the baby elephants you keep hoping are going to trumpet an answer. In the very back corner is a humongous, Massive bull elephant who is sitting on his side, resting from all of the bellowing he has been doing hoping to get the attention over the mass of baby elephants making all the racket. He is obscured from your view because all you keep seeing are the baby elephants covering him from view.
"There is a work underfoot that you do not grasp yet. It seems to you to be a work to hide and protect the church. Completely, incorrect. We can flush these thoughts out further if we need to but when you think of Bruce R. McConkie’s take on the 10 virgins and that they represent the members and that half will fall away, what do you think is going to separate the saints from one another. We do love each other and as a group are very tolerant when appropriate, but what is going to drive a wedge between the members to push them a part.
"Faith is the big Elephant lying on its side resting. The 50 % that fall away are those who do not realize that theology is built upon a requirement of faith. Without it none can please God. One can never overcome the theological demands of faith by an appeal to empirical proof. They are at odds. The one destroy the other. Proof will only leave you weak and unable to stand when stand you must. The one leads to life eternal the other leaves one unable to call upon God when the time is ripe for destruction. The work that is underfoot is the sifting of the wheat from the tares.
"In the coming days, I have no clue how long, but soon enough I am sure, the truths of the history of the church will save no lives. The only thing that will is in those, that live, breath, feel in their hearts and souls the faith that can stand this moment – the beginning onslaught against the church. It is the same ideological battle that pulled the third of heaven to follow Satan. It will escalate form here to becoming a physical battle and the world will be arrayed against us – It will take powerful faith, perhaps Enochian faith to turn the tides against those that would destroy the members of the church. You are only in the beginning stages of the battle of the war of words and ideals and you are already falling prey to the efforts. What will you do when destruction is between you and the powers of heaven to forestall.
"Faith – so few understand it is a genuine power. Sometimes I think that members are hell-bent on avoiding, denying, and fleeing away from the opportunities to exercise faith – the power that holds worlds in their orbits and enables the creative efforts. We lip service it and then ignore it constantly. This day is a blessing to you. You are being tossed and torn and beaten and abused in the crucible of faith. The anxiety you feel is because you are slowly feeling the heat of the flames that will prepare some and destroy others.
"You acknowledge the need for faith but it has not impressed upon your soul the power of what faith really is. Again I ask, what did you think it would look like when we were in the middle of the sifting. IT LOOKS LIKE WHAT YOU ARE SEEING. It is painful, until the faith provides the healing and there is no faith in questioning the motives of the church. They know exactly what is happening and they are stemming it as best they can within the boundaries of agency, and teaching correct principle. I’m not going to expand further, I’ll see where this takes you.”
God promised us we would have moral agency, that is, we could decide our path for ourselves, whether it leads to or away from Him. He will not provide universal incontrovertible proof, because that would interfere with the agency promised to us and prevent the growth necessary for us to become what He wants us to become. So, evidence, logic and science must balance for and against the Church so it comes down to faith and submitting our will to His. We must choose. Our choices will exalt or damn us.
My proof of the truthfulness of the Church is personal. I don't think even that proof would have been given against my will, but I either asked for it, or voluntarily chose to serve in a position that led directly to that proof. Thus my moral agency was never interfered with, much as God never appeared to Joseph Smith until he asked for enlightenment. He may not have anticipated the life-changing scope of that direction, but God would not interfere until He was invited. Joseph's agency wasn't infringed upon.
It is by grace we are saved, after all that we can do. Receiving that grace is predicated upon our faithfulness. Our faith must be sufficient to provide us a clear path when two equally logical and scientific choices are laid before us. There will be times when we feel weak or when we don't understand. There will be times when we don't agree with Church policy. A spiritual, faith-based testimony will see us through these times. If yours isn't strong, cultivate it. I know I must continue to work on mine.