This morning I went forth to brave the heat and mow the lawn. Mother nature had a nice surprise for me: no heat! She knows I don't like it, so she's being kind so far this Summer. Could be the lack of sunspot activity noted in the news, because apparently the entire planet is enjoying a cooler summer. Whatever it is, I'm good with it for very selfish reasons.
Afterward I had to finish cutting up some junk so it would fit in our garbage can for pick up (done, yay!).
On my way back from clean up, I happened upon a grasshopper. Well, Spawn is big into grasshoppers right now. Into a jar he or she went (I don't know how to tell gender on a grasshopper) and I brought it in for Spawn, who was thrilled.
I discussed it with Spawn. We could keep the grasshopper, and it would eventually die, or we could set it free. She said she wanted to watch it for a while then let it go, but she did not want it to die. She's a very soft-hearted child. I approve.
So this afternoon Spawn and I headed out to the front lawn and set "Crickety" free. Crickety didn't seem very grateful, but it survived its day of human captivity.
Spawn also spilled the beans that there's a special father's day breakfast in the offing tomorrow. Sneaky. The only problem is that I'm the earliest riser, so I'm under strict orders to stay in bed until they get their sneakiness done. Looks like I'll be getting through a few pages of "The Real George Washington."
I kind of wish I were calling my own dad tomorrow, but since the conclusion of the unpleasantness earlier this year, we haven't spoken, and probably won't ever again. I'm resigned to that, as he was happy to set aside my family's safety and say some nasty things about me, but it's my first year without a father. I'll pray a bit more, I guess. There's one Father who doesn't fail.
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