I can read your very thoughts. "Monkey, that's nasty." Yes, yes it is. My sister-in-law in fact said, "Oh, that's gross," when I showed her the jar and then took it to look closer. Is that like saying, "This food is nasty! Here, have a taste!"
Humans are weird sometimes. That works out perfectly for my silly self.
Friday was Bubbles' birthday. We had lots of fun. We got up and took Spawn and a friend to school and then sallied forth to visit California Family fitness for Free Fridays this month. Unfortunately, they wanted me to talk to the sales guy after working out, so I said, "No, thanks," and we headed back home. I prepped a Gospel Doctrine lesson for today, which was a marvelous experience.
Oh, and the best thing ever is that my brother found out Thursday that after approximately a year of being unemployed, he now has a job offer on the table. This is very, very good news.
Bubbles also did some tutoring Friday while I did my lesson. Once it was all done, we rested for a bit and then went to pick up the girls from school. Straight from school we went to Fresh Choice for a lovely dinner and then home to get ready for the soccer game. Spawn's team performed marvelously and slaughtered their hapless opponents, the Electric Eels.
Shortly after we got home and bathed the sweaty little Spawn, my brother and sister-in-law arrived as planned and we all chatted for a bit and then Bubbles and I went to do some playing. We were chatting with friends in Ventrilo and suddenly got pulled in and had our administrative rights added back in with a group we used to play with. That was a surprise, but a fun one. We'd noticed their game servers needed some active admins. We're happy to help.
Yesterday was good, too. Dangermom (my previously mentioned sister-in-law) went to go do some training at a local museum so she can so something fun with her home-schooled little ones (DangerSpawns 1 and 2) later in the year. Dangerdad mostly did work on his netbook and followed a bit of the coverage of the 9/12 protests.
The day was very nice.
This morning Spawn and I started the day by finishing up reading Redwall together and watching a bit of Planet Earth. The day looks to be lovely again and very pleasant.
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