We try to teach our little one how our faith has blessed us and helped us be happy in life. When Bubbles' car wouldn't start after installing her stereo (an admittedly small life problem), I was very worried and went upstairs and prayed about it. Not long after, I had an idea of what I should do, I went and did it, and the car did start. We still had to have a professional do a permanent fix, but at last we could get it to one without a tow. I explained all of this to Spawn.
Friday night, I'd been sick. I had a sore throat, I was congested, and not sure I was up to travel. That wouldn't have been a problem, except we wanted to go to a baptism on Saturday about 2 hours from home. It was going to take place at a building on the grounds of the temple where Bubbles and I were married and where we got engaged. Spawn really wanted to go.
The next morning I woke up and found the soreness almost entirely gone, and the congestion much better. When Spawn woke up, she immediately came to me and asked how I felt. I told her how much better I was doing and she smiled and explained she had prayed for me to feel better the night before, because she really wanted to visit the temple and see the baptism.
It's funny how the pure faith of such a small child can have such a potent impact. Naturally, we went to the baptism, and we showed her the place where Mommy and Daddy got engaged, walked around the lovely temple grounds and spent time in the visitor's center.
I am delighted to see my little one's prayers answered and her faith growing in response.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Spawn's First Goal!
Spawn has been doing soccer this year. It's only been a month or so, and though she's not a world cup player yet, she's learning the basic skills pretty well. When she's not picking flowers or pretending to be a penguin, that is.
Every Friday night is game night for the under 6 group, and we were delighted to see her really engaging in the game yesterday. Even more exciting was when she gave the ball a good hard kick, broke away from the puppy pile of kids surrounding the ball and headed for the opposing team's goal. Despite my sore throat (I'm a bit sick right now), I couldn't help but start cheering her on. At first I didn't think she was going to make it. She got a bad kick in and an opposing player got out in front of her. Spawn was determined, however. She kicked the ball hard enough that the opposing player failed to stop it and then she continued on through the goal. We were very impressed.
She got a little possessive about the ball after that, but we figure it was just the excitement. I've only seen a couple of kids take the ball most of the way down the field to score a goal, so naturally I'm a very proud father that mine did just that.
Every Friday night is game night for the under 6 group, and we were delighted to see her really engaging in the game yesterday. Even more exciting was when she gave the ball a good hard kick, broke away from the puppy pile of kids surrounding the ball and headed for the opposing team's goal. Despite my sore throat (I'm a bit sick right now), I couldn't help but start cheering her on. At first I didn't think she was going to make it. She got a bad kick in and an opposing player got out in front of her. Spawn was determined, however. She kicked the ball hard enough that the opposing player failed to stop it and then she continued on through the goal. We were very impressed.
She got a little possessive about the ball after that, but we figure it was just the excitement. I've only seen a couple of kids take the ball most of the way down the field to score a goal, so naturally I'm a very proud father that mine did just that.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Those Gallstones and More
I know, many of you were anxiously awaiting the release of the photographs of my gallstones. Wait no more. The little monsters are here for you to view.

I can read your very thoughts. "Monkey, that's nasty." Yes, yes it is. My sister-in-law in fact said, "Oh, that's gross," when I showed her the jar and then took it to look closer. Is that like saying, "This food is nasty! Here, have a taste!"
Humans are weird sometimes. That works out perfectly for my silly self.
Friday was Bubbles' birthday. We had lots of fun. We got up and took Spawn and a friend to school and then sallied forth to visit California Family fitness for Free Fridays this month. Unfortunately, they wanted me to talk to the sales guy after working out, so I said, "No, thanks," and we headed back home. I prepped a Gospel Doctrine lesson for today, which was a marvelous experience.
Oh, and the best thing ever is that my brother found out Thursday that after approximately a year of being unemployed, he now has a job offer on the table. This is very, very good news.
Bubbles also did some tutoring Friday while I did my lesson. Once it was all done, we rested for a bit and then went to pick up the girls from school. Straight from school we went to Fresh Choice for a lovely dinner and then home to get ready for the soccer game. Spawn's team performed marvelously and slaughtered their hapless opponents, the Electric Eels.
Shortly after we got home and bathed the sweaty little Spawn, my brother and sister-in-law arrived as planned and we all chatted for a bit and then Bubbles and I went to do some playing. We were chatting with friends in Ventrilo and suddenly got pulled in and had our administrative rights added back in with a group we used to play with. That was a surprise, but a fun one. We'd noticed their game servers needed some active admins. We're happy to help.
Yesterday was good, too. Dangermom (my previously mentioned sister-in-law) went to go do some training at a local museum so she can so something fun with her home-schooled little ones (DangerSpawns 1 and 2) later in the year. Dangerdad mostly did work on his netbook and followed a bit of the coverage of the 9/12 protests.
The day was very nice.
This morning Spawn and I started the day by finishing up reading Redwall together and watching a bit of Planet Earth. The day looks to be lovely again and very pleasant.
I can read your very thoughts. "Monkey, that's nasty." Yes, yes it is. My sister-in-law in fact said, "Oh, that's gross," when I showed her the jar and then took it to look closer. Is that like saying, "This food is nasty! Here, have a taste!"
Humans are weird sometimes. That works out perfectly for my silly self.
Friday was Bubbles' birthday. We had lots of fun. We got up and took Spawn and a friend to school and then sallied forth to visit California Family fitness for Free Fridays this month. Unfortunately, they wanted me to talk to the sales guy after working out, so I said, "No, thanks," and we headed back home. I prepped a Gospel Doctrine lesson for today, which was a marvelous experience.
Oh, and the best thing ever is that my brother found out Thursday that after approximately a year of being unemployed, he now has a job offer on the table. This is very, very good news.
Bubbles also did some tutoring Friday while I did my lesson. Once it was all done, we rested for a bit and then went to pick up the girls from school. Straight from school we went to Fresh Choice for a lovely dinner and then home to get ready for the soccer game. Spawn's team performed marvelously and slaughtered their hapless opponents, the Electric Eels.
Shortly after we got home and bathed the sweaty little Spawn, my brother and sister-in-law arrived as planned and we all chatted for a bit and then Bubbles and I went to do some playing. We were chatting with friends in Ventrilo and suddenly got pulled in and had our administrative rights added back in with a group we used to play with. That was a surprise, but a fun one. We'd noticed their game servers needed some active admins. We're happy to help.
Yesterday was good, too. Dangermom (my previously mentioned sister-in-law) went to go do some training at a local museum so she can so something fun with her home-schooled little ones (DangerSpawns 1 and 2) later in the year. Dangerdad mostly did work on his netbook and followed a bit of the coverage of the 9/12 protests.
The day was very nice.
This morning Spawn and I started the day by finishing up reading Redwall together and watching a bit of Planet Earth. The day looks to be lovely again and very pleasant.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Bathroom Humor
So yesterday we took one of Spawn's friends home after school. On the way to her grandparent's house, they were playing with a green monkey Spawn got from school as a reward. They were calling it diarrhea.
Then we went and had dinner at Fresh Choice (for my birthday). On the way home, Spawn started telling us how her friend has a yellow monkey named peepee and a brown monkey named poopoo. I asked if her friend had a green one. Spawn said, "Yes, she has diarrhea. She has all of them." Monkey said very calmly, "She has all kinds of diarrhea?" Spawn said yes.
Then we went and had dinner at Fresh Choice (for my birthday). On the way home, Spawn started telling us how her friend has a yellow monkey named peepee and a brown monkey named poopoo. I asked if her friend had a green one. Spawn said, "Yes, she has diarrhea. She has all of them." Monkey said very calmly, "She has all kinds of diarrhea?" Spawn said yes.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
So Spawn has discovered the joy of index cards. She found a small pile of them and wrote "index" on the lined side of all of them and put them on my desk as gifts for me. I just turned one over to use it to make a shopping list, and found my name written on the back, with a heart drawn under it. I checked the rest of the cards and they all have my name with a heart. My name is spelled correctly on all but one, where she added an extra e before the i. She's such a sweetie.
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